From the Rectory – October 2020

By Revd. Jenni Lane

To quote Pam Ayres: ‘I’m bouncing with the thrill of life, until I watch the news’ …however, we will get through this. I have been warmed by the prayers and support everyone is continuing to offer. The churches may be continuing in a form which is not necessarily comfortable, but it is the people who make a church, not the building. I would encourage you to take heart.

We have been celebrating the blessings of harvest both outdoors and indoors and this has helped people focus on the positive aspects of our lives: autumn is here, the harvest has been gathered and the fruits and beauty of creation continue despite the news! As Pam also wrote: ‘We’ll all get through the crisis and be back to join our mates. Just hoping I’m not far too wide to fit through the flaming gates!’

If anyone is in need, or wants specific prayers, contact me on 01609 631122.