Solar Farm Questionnaire
Scruton Parish Council thanks all parishioners who completed the questionnaire. A total of 190 forms were distributed, of which 107 were returned by the deadline (8 forms returned after the deadline were not counted). The individual votes are as follows:
- In favour of the solar farm 69
- Against the solar farm 118
- Undecided 17
- No view or abstentions 5
- Total opinions received 209
This now gives SPC a clear picture of the feeling of the village, which will be conveyed to Lightrock Power Ltd.
There was also a large number of strong and well-reasoned comments in the responses, both for and against the scheme. These have been noted and will play an important part in the consultations with Lightrock. Printed copies of the comments are available from the clerk.
Approval of the proposed solar farm is in the hands of Hambleton Planning Department, and the scheme could still go ahead in spite of any number of objections. For this reason, SPC will work closely with Lightrock to ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved. Nine key points have been identified, which will form the basis of future discussions:
- Insufficient information on boundary lines.
- Insufficient information on screening detail and illustrations of panels.
- Further detail on traffic volume and contingency if road closed (flooding).
- Noise, lighting and disturbance during the construction period.
- Future security issues resulting from the close proximity to Scruton village.
- Benefits to the Parish.
- Cumulative impact of the scheme allowing Leeming Industrial estate to encroach towards Scruton.
- Complexity/uncertainty over which company is responsible for ensuring terms and conditions are complied with once the site is up and running.
- Veracity of the information contained in the Lightrock publicity pamphlets.
Parishioners will be kept informed of developments. In the meantime please contact any parish councillor if you wish to raise further points.