From the Parish Council – December 2021

Ham Hall Lane – The new drainage pipe taking the water from Ham Hall Lane is now complete and an additional blockage cleared, so the flooding issue has hopefully been resolved.

Trees – The dead willow in Common Lane has been felled. One dead hawthorn has fallen after storm Arwen, and another will be felled shortly.

Salt Bin – After consultations with residents, a new salt bin will be sited at the western end of the village near the bus stop.

Snickets – Concerns have been raised about the snickets and footpaths which we believe may be the responsibility of NYCC. We are seeking clarity on this point and whether NYCC are prepared to help with their maintenance. If the responsibility lies with SPC we will seek to maintain them as cost effectively as possible but we do not have funds to fully tarmac the snickets.

Parish Precept – We have incurred a number of unforeseen expenditures (including the unscheduled election for the new County Council & PC elections in May 2022, for which we have to pay) and with the possible expenditure outlined above, so regrettably we have no optionother  than to increase the Precept. This increase will equate to about £2.50 per household per year.

Station Road Footpath – We have not  received many expressions of support for the proposed footpath from the Station to the A684. The scheme will be expensive and will not go ahead unless it is supported by the village. Please let us know if you are for or against the footpath (see below for contact details/emails).