Farming News – March 2024


This has been the wettest winter of the 50 that I have been farming. It is mostly dry in the lambing sheds where I have buckets to catch rain which drips through holes in the roof and can be used to water the sheep in their pens.

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Farming News – Febuary 2024


The recent request from the council asking farmers to clear the roads of drifts in times of heavy snowfall reminds me of the last time that the village was isolated by drifts, in excess of seven feet!

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Farming News – October 2023


It came as a shock, whilst I was paying a bill with my bank card, to find that my bank account of the last 43 years, had been closed without notice. My money is still with them and finally they have sent a cheque, but this is only payable into the account which is already…

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