Farming News – August 2023


If the weather dries up in the coming month, then that will be perfect. Almost all of the first crop of grass has been made into hay because it was drying out so fast in the sunshine that I just left it for hay.

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Farming News – May 2023


I always look forward to May, a month of promise of warm summer days. An easy month when the cattle and sheep are outdoors, eating the spring grass, after the winter when they needed feeding twice a day, bedding up every second day, and mucking out every six weeks.

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Farming News – March 2023


Well, we’re over the bleakest months of the year. I can’t say that the coldest part is yet over because recent years have brought a cold east wind during March and April.

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Farming News – January 2023


As we leave the old year behind, I keep seeing online posts about what a horrible year 2022 was, but I think that in the next decade we may look back with nostalgia and accept that it wasn’t so bad after all.

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