Latest news from Scruton village and surrounding area. See here for the latest parish newsletters.

Scruton Parish Council

From the Parish Council – July 2024

By Cllr. Syd Nye (Chairman) | 1st July 2024

D-Day thank you, flooding, Morton Bridge, Vacancies


Nature Notes – July 2024

By Editor | 1st July 2024

There are few bees, butterflies, moths and hover flies at present. This is due to the inclement weather, especially in May, which was the sixth wettest on record. T

ice cream

Morton Village Store to Reopen

By Editor | 1st July 2024

The Village Store & Ice Cream in Morton on Swale will be opening on 6 July to serve the local community from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm, seven days a week.


Gardeners’ World – July 2024

By Elizabeth Davies | 1st July 2024

Slugs and snails are eating things they never ate before! The new slug pellets are wool based and don’t have much effect.


Farming News – July 2024

By Malcolm Barker | 1st July 2024

The upturn in the weather in recent weeks gives anticipation that the harvest of winter barley should commence in the last few days of July.

Rishi Sunak at Scruton Fest 2024

Scruton Fest 2024 Report

By Editor | 1st July 2024

Rishi Sunak made a surprise visit to the Fest and spent time talking to stall holders and festival goers.

Eddy & Rupert help themselves to a chicken snack near their hideout

East Grange Kittens

By Editor | 30th June 2024

At East Grange House, we’re trying to manage a local colony of feral/stray cats and kittens.

Scruton Parish Council

From the Parish Council – June 2024

By Editor | 26th May 2024

All change at SPC, Good News! Dogs


Gardeners’ World – June 2024

By Elizabeth Davies | 26th May 2024

After the rain and now warm weather plants (and weeds) are growing quickly.

Yellow wagtail and Yellowhammer

Nature Notes – June 2024

By Editor | 26th May 2024

Birds of Conservation Concern is a list of birds that are perceived as endangered. Of the 70 UK birds on the list, there have been 20 spotted in and around Scruton, depending on the season.

Potatoes in a field

Farming News – June 2024

By Malcolm Barker | 26th May 2024

The relatively dry and warm weather of May gave us the chance to get this year’s crops planted.

Scruton Parish Council

From the Parish Council – May 2024

By Editor | 29th April 2024

Thank you, D-Day (80), SPC Vacancy, Dog Mess

Lime green Euphorbia

Gardeners’ World – May 2024

By Elizabeth Davies | 29th April 2024

More rain, fluctuating temperatures, frost and strong winds, but plants keep on growing. It is a case of the survival of the fittest. I have lost a rhododendron in full bud to wind burn, but another in a sheltered position has survived.


Nature Notes – May 2024

By Editor | 29th April 2024

At this time of year, you may be surprised to find a queen wasp in your house, especially if it appears on something you are about to handle.

Stone age flint spearheads

Farming News – May 2024

By Malcolm Barker | 29th April 2024

Drier weather has enabled me to sow some spring barley, apart from a corner of the field which is still under water.

Scruton Parish Council

Community Resilience Plan

By Editor | 27th March 2024

Enclosed with this month’s newsletter is the final draft of Scruton’s Community Resilience Plan, prepared by our Parish Council.

Scruton Parish Council

From the Parish Council – April 2024

By Cllr. Syd Nye (Chairman) | 27th March 2024

74 Bus, D-Day 80 Commemoration, Salt Bins, Potholes, SPC Vacancies

Daffodils on the village green

Gardeners’ World – April 2024

By Elizabeth Davies | 27th March 2024

Despite more weeks of rain, the spring flowers are looking very cheerful, and the daffodils have benefited from the wet weather.

Sky at Night

Scruton Sky at Night – April 2024

By Editor | 27th March 2024

A Total Eclipse of the Sun and a UK Partial Eclipse


Farming News – April 2024

By Malcolm Barker | 27th March 2024

In his book, ‘A Brief History of Life in the Middle Ages’, Martyn Whittock explains how solar activity affected the weather throughout history.

Harlequin Ladybird

Nature Notes – April 2024

By Editor | 27th March 2024

Finally, on the afternoon of the 12 March, the wind moved into the west to herald the end of winter.

Scruton Parish Council

From the Parish Council – march 2024

By Cllr. Syd Nye (Chairman) | 27th February 2024

New Cherry Tree, Parish Resilience, Ham Hall Lane, Vacancies

Sky at Night

Scruton Sky at Night – March 2024

By Editor | 27th February 2024

Orion continues its dominance, but Leo begins to dominate in the south.


Farming News – March 2024

By Malcolm Barker | 27th February 2024

This has been the wettest winter of the 50 that I have been farming. It is mostly dry in the lambing sheds where I have buckets to catch rain which drips through holes in the roof and can be used to water the sheep in their pens.