Gardeners’ World – May 2024

Lime green Euphorbia

More rain, fluctuating temperatures, frost and strong winds, but plants keep on growing. It is a case of the survival of the fittest. I have lost a rhododendron in full bud to wind burn, but another in a sheltered position has survived.

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Gardeners’ World – March 2024


It has been an extremely wet winter, almost impossible to get on the ground, but a good time to re-plan the garden and to experiment with contrasting shapes, textures and colours. Gardens never stand still and always need re-thinking. Snowdrops are finishing and this is the best time to split them ‘in the green’ when…

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Gardeners’ World – August 2023


The rain at the end of July will have done much good, but it has spoilt the roses that are flowering now, so I give them a light prune, a feed of Fish, Blood and Bone and hopefully in a few weeks time they will have a second crop of flowers.

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Gardeners’ World – July 2023


After a very dry month, at last a drop of rain, although we need more. Some plants have done well and the roses have been spectacular with more flowers than usual, although they haven’t lasted long in the heat.

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