Solar Array Approved

solar panels with sheep

The outcome of Lightrock’s appeal against HDC’s refusal for a Solar Array was published on 27 June. The scheme will now go ahead, subject to conditions. Decision – The main issue in the appeal was the effect of the development on, and potential loss of, agricultural land. Whilst recognising that land classification is a matter…

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Nature Notes – August 2023

Sparrow Hawk

We have at least one pair of sparrow hawks which operate in the village. Those of you with bird feeders will be aware of the sudden attacks on garden birds, or more usually the tell-tale sign of a patch of feathers on the lawn.

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Farming News – August 2023


If the weather dries up in the coming month, then that will be perfect. Almost all of the first crop of grass has been made into hay because it was drying out so fast in the sunshine that I just left it for hay.

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Gardeners’ World – August 2023


The rain at the end of July will have done much good, but it has spoilt the roses that are flowering now, so I give them a light prune, a feed of Fish, Blood and Bone and hopefully in a few weeks time they will have a second crop of flowers.

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