Horse Droppings

Chris Barron has asked for this notice to go out having received some complaints about horse droppings in the footpaths between Common Lane and Beech Close

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From the Parish Counil – March 2021

Scruton Parish Council

A Scruton Parish Council meeting took place on the evening of Thursday 25 February via Zoom. Various matters were discussed, including the solar farm proposal and the Ham Hall Lane flooding problem.

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Solar Farm Questionnaire

solar panels with sheep

Scruton Parish Council thanks all parishioners who completed the questionnaire. A total of 190 forms were distributed, of which 107 were returned by the deadline.

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Parish Council Opportunity

Scruton Parish Council

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that due to the resignation of Phillip Langan, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.

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