Grass Cutting Caution!

The grass cutters have asked that children should not play on the grass areas whilst cutting is in progress. The grass is cut every second Tuesday (usually between 1pm – 2pm) and on a recent occasion, some children were trying to outrun the machines – very risky!!!

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Footpath along Station Road

The Parish Council have been notified that North Yorkshire County Council have rejected the request for a footpath from the A684 to the Scruton Station. The Parish Council has offered to provide Hi-Viz vests to any one who needs to walk this road, particularly during the hours of darkness. Please contact the Clerk to request…

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Ham Hall Lane

Hambleton District Council

The Parish Council have been notified that Ham Hall Lane is now officially closed for a six month period. This is a formal/official closure rather than the informal arrangement which was the case previously.

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Dog Fouling on Footpaths

dog fouling

Dog owners are reminded that it is a criminal offence if a person in charge of a dog fails to remove the faeces when their dog defecates on designated land.

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Pedestrian Safety

Please take extra care during winter months around Scruton and especially along Station Road to the Lane End where there is no pavement or street lighting. Remember: Face the oncoming traffic. Where there is no pavement, keep to the right-hand side of the road, facing oncoming traffic. If you come to a sharp right-hand bend,…

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An increase in speeding through the village has been noted in recent weeks and motorists are reminded of the importance of keeping  strictly to the speed limit.

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