As you would predict in Scruton, there has been an immediate and positive response to the call that went out on Network Scruton for people in the village to help each other. If you would like to add your name to the growing list of volunteers (especially if you are young & fit) please contact one of the people named below.

Can’t risk going out?

Need help with food shopping, prescriptions, posting mail, etc?

Any other urgent essentials?


There are many villagers who can collect items for you, or take you to essential appointments. Others can help solve household problems, or just phone for a friendly chat.

A register of these offers is held by:

Janet Crampton, 07540 503 030

Stephen Elmer, 07891 744 198

Rachel Watkinson, 07905 554401

If you need help, send an email, phone or text and they’ll put you in touch with someone who can help. All the people on the list are fellow villagers who we know and trust.

Latest News

Scruton Sky at Night – August 2024

By Editor | 30th July 2024

Comets/Meteors – The ‘Perseid’ meteor shower will ‘peak’ around the 11 – 13th August.

Farming News – August 2024

By Malcolm Barker | 30th July 2024

The winter barley has now been harvested and the straw baled. I started to use the combine harvester on the 3rd Friday in July, but I had to stop after 50 metres because a bearing on the return’s auger had seized and it took 20 hours of work to replace it.