Farming News – November 2022
The hot, dry summers we get now are not conducive to growing potatoes. Once the temperature exceeds 25 degrees, potatoes go into survival mode and the yield suffers. A series of breakdowns and now the weather has slowed up the picking of this year’s crop, but I have sufficient already in store to keep my customers happy for the next few weeks.
The fodder beet still awaits harvesting, but I am hoping for it to grow even more because most farmers are extremely short of winter feed for their animals. I have already used a third of this coming winter’s feed to keep my cattle fed during the summer drought.
Potatoes – My sales team are waiting!
Prices are £10 per sack (25kg) or £6 per half sack (12.5kg). White varieties are Valor, Eurostar and Sagitta (new this year) and the reds are Rudolph. Call 748 627 or email