Parish Council – September 2021
Ham Hall Lane – The blockage in the drain pipe from Ham Hall Lane has been identified and a contractor engaged to lay a new section of pipe around the tennis court to the new drainage outlet in the cricket club car park. It is hoped that the work will be completed during September and will alleviate the flooding problems of the last few years in Ham Hall Lane. In the meantime, those using the allotments or tennis court must circumnavigate the workings and gain access via the rear of the tennis court.
Bulb Planting – Further to the donations of bulbs for the village green (ref. last month’s newsletter), there has been a suggestion that perhaps we should also look to plant bulbs on the roadside grass verge by Pittfields, the Parish Council would appreciate some feedback on this initiative.
Solar Farm – Due to the differences between the DEFRA Land Classification & Lightrock’s soil analysis, Hambleton District Council Planning Department have commissioned an independent soil survey. This has delayed the Planning process, but the Parish Council will provide an update as and when we are advised that the process has resumed.
Richard O’Neil – Some of you may have heard that Louise and Richard O’Neil have left Scruton for pastures new. Richard was a long standing Parish Councillor and Scruton Parish Council are grateful for this opportunity to pay tribute to him for all his hard work. We wish them both every happiness in their new home.