July 2024

Strollers & Striders
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Scruton’s walking group goes from strength to strength with regular walkers enjoying fresh air and good company every Monday morning.  More walkers are welcome, including non-villagers. Our usual start time is 10.15 am on the village green or at a pre-notified meeting place. After some discussion about how to remain in , ...
Morning Worship, Paul
9:30 am - 10:30 am
All services at St Radegund’s are on Sunday at 9:30 am except where stated. The Rev. Jenni Lane may be contacted on 01609 631122.   7 Jul  Morning Worship, Paul 14 Jul  No service in Scruton 17 Jul  Evensong (Wed at 7pm), Stasi 21 Jul  Holy Communion, Jenni/Stasi 28 Jul  Morning Worship, Paul  4 Aug  No service in Scru , ...
Jazz in the Garden
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Judi and Stephen Elmer would like to invite you to bring your own picnic to an afternoon of Scruton Jazz in the Old Rectory Garden on Sunday 7 July. No tickets required but we will be grateful for donations to the Royal British Legion to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day (plus one month). Everyone is welcome. , ...
Scruton Jazz Band
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
SJB at Bedale Riverside Community Club, 7 pm on Sat 11 May. Free tickets from Susan, 07776 145 529 or email susan@susanrogers.me.uk SJB at The Green Dragon, Exelby on Thurs 20 June, 7:30 pm. Free entry but call 01677 427 715 to book a table. Jazz in the Garden – Bring your own drinks & picnic to the Old Rectory gar , ...
Strollers & Striders
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Scruton’s walking group goes from strength to strength with regular walkers enjoying fresh air and good company every Monday morning.  More walkers are welcome, including non-villagers. Our usual start time is 10.15 am on the village green or at a pre-notified meeting place. After some discussion about how to remain in , ...
Kirkby Fleetham Women’s Institute
7:15 pm - 10:00 pm
Join us for a Flower Demonstration by Jane Snook, on Thurs 11 July, 7:15 pm at Kirkby Fleetham village hall. For details call Carol Barron, 01609 748 315, or email carolinesboxes@gmail.com , ...
Petrol Heads
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
The last run was marred by bad weather. Our next meeting is on Thursday 11 July. Call Alan on 01609 748 712. , ...
Parish Council Meetings 2024
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
The public are welcome to attend council meetings in the Coore Memorial Hall, starting at 7:30 pm. 11 Jan 14 March 11 April (APM) 9 May (AGM) , ...
Sunday Lunch Club
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
The next Lunch Club is on Sun 14 July, 12:30 pm at the Coore Arms. If you wish to join us, please call 748 227 or email Alyson at alysontonge@gmail.com , ...
Strollers & Striders
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Scruton’s walking group goes from strength to strength with regular walkers enjoying fresh air and good company every Monday morning.  More walkers are welcome, including non-villagers. Our usual start time is 10.15 am on the village green or at a pre-notified meeting place. After some discussion about how to remain in , ...
Evensong – Stasi
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
All services at St Radegund’s are on Sunday at 9:30 am except where stated. The Rev. Jenni Lane may be contacted on 01609 631122.   7 Jul  Morning Worship, Paul 14 Jul  No service in Scruton 17 Jul  Evensong (Wed at 7pm), Stasi 21 Jul  Holy Communion, Jenni/Stasi 28 Jul  Morning Worship, Paul  4 Aug  No service in Scru , ...
Coffee Mornings
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Our Coffee Morning on Sat 20 July will be in aid of the Friends of the Friarage’s Eye Appeal, which aims to bring Vitreo-Retinal treatment to the Friarage. Contact Jacqueline on 01609 748 617. , ...
Holy Communion – Jenni & Stasi
9:30 am - 10:30 am
All services at St Radegund’s are on Sunday at 9:30 am except where stated. The Rev. Jenni Lane may be contacted on 01609 631122.   7 Jul  Morning Worship, Paul 14 Jul  No service in Scruton 17 Jul  Evensong (Wed at 7pm), Stasi 21 Jul  Holy Communion, Jenni/Stasi 28 Jul  Morning Worship, Paul  4 Aug  No service in Scru , ...
Strollers & Striders
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Scruton’s walking group goes from strength to strength with regular walkers enjoying fresh air and good company every Monday morning.  More walkers are welcome, including non-villagers. Our usual start time is 10.15 am on the village green or at a pre-notified meeting place. After some discussion about how to remain in , ...
Morning Worship, Paul
9:30 am - 10:30 am
All services at St Radegund’s are on Sunday at 9:30 am except where stated. The Rev. Jenni Lane may be contacted on 01609 631122.   7 Jul  Morning Worship, Paul 14 Jul  No service in Scruton 17 Jul  Evensong (Wed at 7pm), Stasi 21 Jul  Holy Communion, Jenni/Stasi 28 Jul  Morning Worship, Paul  4 Aug  No service in Scru , ...
Strollers & Striders
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Scruton’s walking group goes from strength to strength with regular walkers enjoying fresh air and good company every Monday morning.  More walkers are welcome, including non-villagers. Our usual start time is 10.15 am on the village green or at a pre-notified meeting place. After some discussion about how to remain in , ...
Scruton Ladies Evening Do (SLED)
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
The next SLED for drinks and supper is on Wed 31 July, 7 pm at the Coore Arms. Please let Helen know in good time on 0785 2998 033 or email helen_allison@icloud.com , ...

Face-to-face village events may still be subject to cancellation due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Where they are taking place, risk assessment and measures will have been put in place to keep the premises
COVID-19 secure.

Please maintain social distancing at all times.