Parish Newsletters

Newsletters are in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader (a free download) installed on your PC.

Items for Future Newsletters

Please let Stephen Elmer have articles for the newsletter by email, phone or note. For other parish matters contact any councillor or the clerk.


Parish Council noticeboards are located at the village hall and on the village green. A public-access noticeboard is located in the bus shelter opposite Pittfields Corner.

Scruton Information Signboard

A ‘Thankful Village’ signboard located on the village green near the Church, tells the story of Scruton from its ancient origins through to it becoming a Thankful Village.

Scruton Parish Council

From the Parish Council – July 2024

1st July 2024

D-Day thank you, flooding, Morton Bridge, Vacancies


Nature Notes – July 2024

1st July 2024

There are few bees, butterflies, moths and hover flies at present. This is due to the inclement weather, especially in May, which was the sixth wettest on record. T

ice cream

Morton Village Store to Reopen

1st July 2024

The Village Store & Ice Cream in Morton on Swale will be opening on 6 July to serve the local community from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm, seven days a week.


Gardeners’ World – July 2024

1st July 2024

Slugs and snails are eating things they never ate before! The new slug pellets are wool based and don’t have much effect.


Farming News – July 2024

1st July 2024

The upturn in the weather in recent weeks gives anticipation that the harvest of winter barley should commence in the last few days of July.

Keep in touch via Network Scruton!

Now, more than ever, its important to stay in touch with what’s happening in and around the village; how people and local businesses are adapting to new restrictions and what help or support is available in the community.

The best way to do this is to ensure you are subscribed to Network Scruton. You can do this on the village web site home page. You only need give your name and email address, it’s that easy!

And don’t forget, you will also need to re-subscribe if your email has changed.

Join Network Scruton