Parish Newsletters

Newsletters are in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader (a free download) installed on your PC.

Items for Future Newsletters

Please let Stephen Elmer have articles for the newsletter by email, phone or note. For other parish matters contact any councillor or the clerk.


Parish Council noticeboards are located at the village hall and on the village green. A public-access noticeboard is located in the bus shelter opposite Pittfields Corner.

Scruton Information Signboard

A ‘Thankful Village’ signboard located on the village green near the Church, tells the story of Scruton from its ancient origins through to it becoming a Thankful Village.

Roe deer - village green

Nature Notes – May 2022

27th April 2022

Similar to last year, April’s weather has been dominated by a cool northerly airstream, but without the devastating frosts. Consequently cherry and magnolia blossom, daffodils and tulips have been good and long lasting.

Coore Memorial Hall, Scruton

Village Hall Needs You Now!

27th April 2022

The Coore Memorial Hall Management Committee urgently requires 2 people to step forward to fill vacancies for Treasurer and Bookings Secretary.


Scruton Allotments AGM 2022

21st April 2022

To be held at Scruton Village Hall on 28th April at 7.00pm

Wensleydale Railway

Do you like Trains and History?

29th March 2022

Wensleydale Railway need volunteers to guide visitors around our historic stations as part of our Living History Team.

Scruton Parish Council

Parish Council – April 2022

29th March 2022

Solar Farms, Thank You, Street Lighting, Parish Elections

Keep in touch via Network Scruton!

Now, more than ever, its important to stay in touch with what’s happening in and around the village; how people and local businesses are adapting to new restrictions and what help or support is available in the community.

The best way to do this is to ensure you are subscribed to Network Scruton. You can do this on the village web site home page. You only need give your name and email address, it’s that easy!

And don’t forget, you will also need to re-subscribe if your email has changed.

Join Network Scruton